What Is a TCA Peel? Process, Cost, & Effectiveness

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woman receives a peel process

Table of Content

  • What Is a TCA Peel Process?
  • What to Expect From a TCA Peel
  • What Is the Average TCA Peel Cost?

A TCA peel is a cosmetic procedure in which a chemical called trichloroacetic acid is applied to your skin.1 The peel sloughs off dead and damaged cells from the surface of your skin and causes controlled injury to the deeper layers.2 These injuries trigger your immune system to produce elastin and collagen, giving your skin a smoother, refreshed appearance.

What Is a TCA Peel Process?

A TCA peel is a noninvasive procedure often done in a medical spa or dermatology clinic.4 The peel is a popular and effective treatment for sun damage, hyperpigmentation, blemishes, and signs of aging.5 It’s available in different strengths, from light to medium or deep.6 

The process starts with a consultation to assess your skin and determine the appropriate strength. A light or medium peel might be done on the same day as a consultation. However, a deep TCA peel may be scheduled for later, as you’ll need sedation for the procedure.7 

On the day of your peel, your practitioner will wash your skin and apply a trichloroacetic acid solution to the area. After about 15 minutes, they’ll wash the TCA off or neutralize it and apply a thin layer of ointment.8 

What to Expect From a TCA Peel

Light to medium TCA peels have fewer side effects and a shorter recovery time than other peels, such as phenol or croton oil.9 

Results and Recovery

A light TCA peel uses 20 to 30% TCA and produces subtle effects slowly over time.10 Recovery is a few hours up to several days.11 Trichloroacetic acid works partly by blocking enzymes that break down elastin and collagen.12 You may need a series of lighter peels for optimal results.13 

The medium peel is 35% TCA and may be combined with other acids.14 It removes the outermost layer and part of the middle layer of your skin. You’ll need about one week to recover and may have some downtime.15 

A deep peel uses 50% or more TCA and has the most dramatic results.16 However, it is also intense as it reaches the deepest part of the middle layer of your skin and brings significant downtime and recovery.17 

Side Effects

Light to medium TCA peels cause some side effects, such as:18

  • White patches, called frosting
  • Redness
  • Peeling or flaking
  • Dryness
  • Crusting
  • Discomfort
  • Swelling
  • Sensitivity to sunlight

These side effects are common and may cause your skin to feel sunburned. You can apply unscented lotion to soothe your skin and take over-the-counter pain relievers. Avoid direct sunlight for the first one to two weeks, and apply sunscreen daily once your skin heals.19 

In rare cases, TCA peels may lead to complications such as scarring, infections, and discoloration. The risks are highest with a deep peel.20 

What Is the Average TCA Peel Cost?

TCA peels are cosmetic procedures, which means you won’t have coverage from your insurance. Prices can vary by location and skin care professional, but the average TCA peel costs $519.21

A TCA is one of many effective procedures to rejuvenate your skin and produce a healthy, fresh glow. For more advice on skin treatments, explore physician-reviewed articles from My Skin Treatment. 


  1. StatPearls: “Skin Resurfacing Chemical Peels.”
  2. Frontiers in Medicine: “Professional-Grade TCA-Lactic Acid Chemical Peel: Elucidating Mode of Action to Treat Photoaging and Hyperpigmentation.”
  3. Frontiers in Medicine: “Professional-Grade TCA-Lactic Acid Chemical Peel: Elucidating Mode of Action to Treat Photoaging and Hyperpigmentation.”
  4. StatPearls: “Skin Resurfacing Chemical Peels.”
  5. Frontiers in Medicine: “Professional-Grade TCA-Lactic Acid Chemical Peel: Elucidating Mode of Action to Treat Photoaging and Hyperpigmentation.”
  6. Cleveland Clinic: “Chemical Peels.”
  7. University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics: “Chemical or micro-peels.”
  8. Cleveland Clinic: “Chemical Peels.”
  9. The Aesthetic Society: “How is a chemical peel performed?”
  10. StatPearls: “Skin Resurfacing Chemical Peels.”
  11. Cleveland Clinic: “Chemical Peels.”
  12. Frontiers in Medicine: “Professional-Grade TCA-Lactic Acid Chemical Peel: Elucidating Mode of Action to Treat Photoaging and Hyperpigmentation.”
  13. Cleveland Clinic: “Chemical Peels.”
  14. StatPearls: “Skin Resurfacing Chemical Peels.”
  15. Cleveland Clinic: “Chemical Peels.”
  16. StatPearls: “Skin Resurfacing Chemical Peels.”
  17. Cleveland Clinic: “Chemical Peels.”
  18. University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics: “Chemical or micro-peels.”
  19. Cleveland Clinic: “Chemical Peels.”
  20. StatPearls: “Skin Resurfacing Chemical Peels.”
  21. American Society of Plastic Surgeons: “How much does a chemical peel cost?