Reviewing the AviClear Laser: Does It Really Work?

ilustration waves
laser removal of acne scars

Table of Content

  • How Does AviClear Laser Treatment Work?
  • Who Is AviClear Laser Treatment For?
  • AviClear: Does It Work?
  • Learn More With My Skin Treatment

Acne is a common skin problem that is a significant cosmetic concern for many. Various topical and non-surgical options are available to treat stubborn acne. 

AviClear laser treatment is an advanced FDA-approved cosmetic treatment that uses state-of-the-art laser technology to reduce acne.1 Let’s understand how AviClear laser treatment works and whether it works. 

How Does AviClear Laser Treatment Work?

Acne occurs when pores or hair follicles get clogged with oil and dead skin cells. Factors like hormonal changes, stress, and inflammation can cause sebaceous glands in the skin to enlarge and produce excess oil or sebum. The oil blocks your pores and creates a favorable environment for bacterial growth. This leads to different types of acne, such as pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads.2

AviClear laser treatment is a non-invasive, non-hormonal acne treatment. It uses a handheld device that emits specific wavelengths of light absorbed by skin tissues. The laser light penetrates the skin layers, converts into heat energy, and heats the enlarged sebaceous glands. It causes the glands to shrink, suppresses oil production, and destroys acne-causing bacteria.3 

AviClear effectively targets acne at the source without damaging the surrounding skin. It is a quick and relatively painless procedure that is generally well-tolerated. The laser device is equipped with contact-cooling technology, which makes the treatment safe for all skin types. 

Like other laser treatments, AviClear requires multiple sessions for long-lasting results. It typically requires three 30-minute sessions within 4- to 6-week intervals for optimal results. Complete treatment may take around 2 to 3 months.4

The treatment requires minimal downtime, allowing you to resume daily activities immediately after the procedure. It may cause side effects such as mild swelling or redness after the treatment. But they are temporary and eventually subside.5

Who Is AviClear Laser Treatment For?

AviClear laser treatment is typically recommended for individuals with acne-prone skin. If you have mild, moderate, or severe acne, AviClear laser can help reduce breakouts, regardless of skin type and age. It is suitable for treating various types of acne, including cystic, inflammatory, and hormonal acne.6

Unlike other laser treatments that target melanin and are limited to specific skin tones, AviClear solely targets the sebaceous glands, making it suitable for anyone struggling with acne. It also promotes skin rejuvenation by improving skin texture, minimizing pore size, and enhancing overall skin quality.7

AviClear: Does It Work?

AviClear laser offers a potentially effective solution to achieve healthier and clearer skin. AviClear reviews suggest that most people who undergo the treatment experience a notable improvement in their skin. 

The treatment significantly improves the frequency and severity of stubborn acne.8 People who undergo AviClear treatment enjoy clearer skin for approximately 9 to 12 months. Some may show clearer skin for up to two years after treatment completion. However, individual results may vary depending on the skin condition and acne severity.9

About 92% of people treated with AviClear witnessed at least half of their acne resolve within 12 months after their treatment. These results are expected to keep improving over time.10 

Although AviClear is a relatively new treatment, it shows promising results and has potential for acne skin care.

Learn More With My Skin Treatment

If you have stubborn acne and wish to get AviClear laser treatment, consult a qualified dermatologist or skincare professional. They will assess your skin condition to determine if AviClear laser treatment works for your skin condition and provide personalized recommendations to achieve the best results. 

To learn more about other latest skin treatments, visit My Skin Treatment.


  1. AviClear: “AviClear® Named ‘Biggest Acne Breakthrough in Years’ by NewBeauty.
  2. Lasers in Medical Science: “A novel 1726-nm laser system for safe and effective treatment of acne vulgaris.
  3. Lasers in Medical Science: “A novel 1726-nm laser system for safe and effective treatment of acne vulgaris.
  4. AviClear: “How It Works.
  5. AviClear: “How It Works.
  6. Illinois Dermatology Institute: “Laser Treatment for Acne: AviClear.
  7. Dermatology Associates of Plymouth Meeting: “The Future of Clear Skin with AviClear Laser.
  8. Allure: “I Tried the New AviClear Laser for My Hormonal and Cystic Acne.
  9. Illinois Dermatology Institute: “Laser Treatment for Acne: AviClear.
  10. AviClear: “Real Results.